Full Review Salah satu platform broker biner yang paling menonjol tahun 2016 tidak diragukan lagi adalah Tradorax. Hal ini secara luas dianggap oleh komunitas perdagangan online sebagai salah satu software investasi teratas untuk keluar belakangan ini. Hal ini terutama disebabkan oleh beragam pilihan keuangan yang ditawarkannya. Ini menarik pengguna yang memiliki preferensi berbeda karena memberikan peluang untuk berhasil melaksanakan pilihan biner, perdagangan Forex dan CFD. Inilah salah satu alasan mengapa banyak orang terus membuka akun dengan Tradorax. Review Putusan: Tradorax Bukan Scam Tidak hanya ini, tapi broker investasi online mematuhi beberapa langkah dan standar keamanan dan keamanan yang paling ketat. Itulah sebabnya mengapa broker opsi biner mewajibkan pengguna untuk memberikan bukti identitas saat mendaftar atau mencoba menarik keuntungan mereka. Penyelidikan eksklusif kami terhadap Tradorax mampu menentukan bahwa itu adalah cara yang sah dan dapat dipercaya untuk memperoleh pendapatan tahunan yang stabil di Internet. Jika seseorang ingin mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang hal itu, teruslah membaca di bawah ini. Cara Beroperasi dengan Broker Tradorax Tradorax sering disebut sebagai platform multi dalam arti menggabungkan berbagai bidang investasi yang sering dianggap sebagai opsi biner yang tak tertandingi dan Forex. Pialang perdagangan online berhasil menggabungkan keduanya ke dalam proses operasinya. Perusahaan ini menawarkan lebih dari 120 aset dari empat jenis utama: komoditas, pasangan mata uang, indeks dan saham. Hal ini membuat sangat cocok untuk pemula dan juga pengguna yang canggih karena memberi mereka banyak kemungkinan untuk melakukan investasi yang menang. Tidak semua broker opsi biner menampilkan keempat kategori aset utama seperti Tradorax. Beberapa dari mereka berfokus secara eksklusif pada satu atau dua jenis dan memasarkan diri mereka terutama kepada orang-orang yang mengkhususkan diri pada jenis perdagangan tertentu. Tidak Diperlukan Download Broker perdagangan binari Tradorax akan bekerja dengan baik pada jenis peramban tertentu karena dirancang sedemikian rupa sehingga 100 berbasis web. Jenis perangkat yang diberikan juga tidak penting sama sekali. Investor yang lebih suka menangani dana mereka saat bepergian dapat memanfaatkan platform dengan sebaik-baiknya di tablet, ponsel pintar atau laptop mereka. Cara Membuka Akun Tradorax Solusi penguat keuntungan ini dirancang oleh pedagang ahli, analis dan pengembang perangkat lunak. Yang sepenuhnya terlihat dari prosedur registrasi broker yang mereda dan tidak merepotkan yang bisa diselesaikan hanya dalam beberapa menit. Seseorang harus mengisi formulir sederhana hanya dengan rincian dasar yang diperlukan untuk menentukan jenis akun tertentu. Kemungkinan yang disajikan adalah: Mini, Silver, Gold, VIP dan Saving amp Self-Managed. Investasi awal serendah mungkin adalah 250 dan masing-masing memberikan bonus dan pembayaran terpisah. Akun Mini memberikan konsultasi profesional mingguan dan pelajaran pelatihan. Perak memberi pengguna 2 payback dan 0,5 cash back. Jumlah sesi bimbingan juga meningkat. Emas dapat membuat pengguna menerima 3 di atas pada jumlah yang disetorkan dan cash back adalah 1. Pengguna juga berhak atas 1 perdagangan bebas risiko per bulan. Akun VIP membuat rasio payback adalah 4 dan tingkat cash back sampai 2. Pedagang diberikan kesempatan untuk berinvestasi tanpa bahaya dua kali per bulan. Seseorang dapat melakukan deposit dan penarikan melalui beberapa metode yang berbeda: kartu kredit, kartu debit, Transfer Kawat dan CashU. Mata uang yang diterima adalah: Euro, Dollar, Rubel Rusia, British Pound dan Yen Jepang. Proses penjarangan Tradorax berlanjut seperti ini: 2. Membuat Investasi Awal 3. Trade amp Withdraw Tradorax Average Returns Return on investment dari broker opsi biner ini bisa mencapai 85. Itu semua tergantung pada tipe akun yang telah dipilih. Juga, semakin tinggi deposit awal semakin besar peluang penguatan keuntungan akhir. Traciax Expected Cost Tradorax adalah solusi penghasil pendapatan yang tersedia secara gratis. Ia tidak meminta pengguna untuk melakukan setoran moneter selain dari jumlah awal dari 250 yang digunakan hanya dengan tujuan mendanai akun perdagangan one8217s. Apakah Tradorax Broker a Scam atau Legit Semua informasi yang ada menunjukkan bahwa Tradorax adalah broker pilihan biner yang andal dan sah. Ini menawarkan pembayaran yang bagus dan bahkan pendatang baru berhak memperoleh penghasilan harian yang solid. Broker online juga memiliki beberapa fitur khusus yang bisa menarik perhatian pengguna dan memenuhi kebutuhan mereka. Di antara jatuhnya: standar keamanan yang canggih, Akademi Pelatihan yang diperluas, perdagangan bebas risiko, Kalender Ekonomi dan banyak lagi. Orang dapat mengharapkan layanan dan bimbingan berkualitas tinggi yang akan membawa mereka menuju masa depan yang mandiri secara finansial. Layanan Pelanggan Tradorax 247 Layanan dukungan pelanggan dari broker investasi biner ini secara luas dianggap sebagai teladan dalam industri online. Untuk saat ini hanya tersedia dalam bahasa Inggris. Tapi lebih banyak bahasa yang diharapkan akan segera ditambahkan. Seseorang bisa menghubungi mereka via live chat, email dan telepon. Testimoni Pengguna Saya dapat merekomendasikan Tradorax kepada siapapun, bahkan jika dia tidak memiliki keahlian trading yang paling mendasar. Saya sendiri adalah pendatang baru yang lengkap saat membuka akun dengan broker pilihan biner ini. Syukurlah, saya jatuh ke sana dan bukan tipuan Sejak saya mulai berinvestasi dengannya, hidup saya telah berubah menjadi hal positif dalam banyak hal. Sekarang saya adalah seorang penulis lepas yang bekerja dari kenyamanan ruang tamu saya yang sangat mempesona dan saya memiliki cukup banyak hal. Nikmati semua kesenangan hidup Gabriella Vasquez, 36, Portugal Hidupku berubah menjadi celah gelap tepat pada saat aku mendaftar dengan Tradorax. Saya dipecat dari pekerjaan saya sebagai insinyur sipil dan tidak memiliki dana untuk membayar hipotek di apartemen saya. Saya baru saja akan kehilangannya saat broker opsi biner mulai menghasilkan cukup banyak untuk melunasi jumlah bulanan. Saat ini, saya bahkan berhasil membuat rekening tabungan Richard Davidson, 43, Inggris Kesimpulan Tradorax adalah broker pilihan biner yang baru dibentuk yang telah berhasil membuktikan kemampuannya untuk menghasilkan pendapatan harian yang cukup. Umpan balik pengguna yang tersedia sangat positif karena banyak orang telah membuka akun pialang mereka. Platform ini memiliki banyak kemungkinan perdagangan serta bonus eksklusif. Terakhir Diperbaharui 2017-01-12 oleh Martin Kay CTOption dimiliki dan dikelola oleh InfiniCore Ltd. Gedung Jaycees, Stoney Ground, Kingstown, Saint Vincent dan The Grenadines namun saat ini tidak Diatur. Telepon mereka 4721954405 dan kontak e-mail adalah supportctoption. Layanan kliring dikelola oleh InfiniCore Ltd. England, 2 Woodberry Grove, Finchley, London, N120DR, Inggris. Menurut Persyaratan dan Ketentuan mereka, situs CTOption juga dikelola oleh Ninety Nine Research Assets Ltd, kantor virtual aktif tapi tidak aktif yang terdaftar di: Anguilla, Kompleks Mason, lantai 2, nomor perusahaan 08940282. Perusahaan ini tidak berlisensi baik dan Diperingatkan melawan di Anguilla dimana terdaftar, cari tahu lebih lanjut di bawah pengumuman regulator. Kliring CTOption juga dikelola oleh Ninety Nine Research Assets Ltd, Inggris, Ilford, Essex. Pialang masih belum diatur oleh otoritas utama, jadi mereka pun menyerah pada usaha mereka atau mereka tidak dapat memenuhi standar. Apakah CTOption A Scam CTOption beroperasi seperti penipuan sesuai dengan semua keluhan yang kami temukan. Selain itu, ada beberapa kerugian besar yang mempengaruhi kredibilitas CTOptions. Untuk memulai dengan lembut: Beberapa orang mungkin mengatakan bahwa istilah bonus itu scam tapi bonusnya bukan scam Anda harus membaca persyaratan dan memahami apa yang Anda hadapi dan saya tidak pernah merekomendasikan untuk mendapatkan bonus. Anda mungkin ingin melalui Syarat dan Ketentuan sebelum memutuskan untuk mengambil bonus, kecuali jika Anda ingin menjadi korban lain dari keinginan Anda sendiri. Hal lain yang sangat mengganggu saya pribadi dan trader lainnya adalah 5 aturan mengenai ukuran posisi. Jika seorang trader ingin membuka posisi sama dengan 5 atau lebih dari keseluruhan saldo mereka, mereka harus memberitahu manajer akun mereka SEBELUM perdagangan, jika tidak maka perdagangan akan dibatalkan, bahkan jika akan menang. Itu benar-benar menyebalkan, dan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan mengenai keandalan CTOption. Update September 2016: Aturan 5 masih berlaku sesuai dengan dukungan Live Chat mereka. Secara keseluruhan tidak banyak yang berubah untuk broker ini dalam hal penawaran mereka tapi pendapat klien tentang mereka pasti telah terdegradasi. Dan beralih ke apa yang benar-benar menyakiti kredibilitas mereka: Semakin banyak laporan penipuan muncul pada periode terakhir dan orang-orang mengeluh tentang manajer akun yang berdagang tanpa persetujuan mereka dan kehilangan uang mereka. Menurut beberapa, para pedagang yang ditampilkan dalam perangkat lunak Replicator sebenarnya adalah orang-orang broker, bukan klien nyata. Setelah penyelidikan lebih lanjut pada tahun 2017, kami menemukan lebih banyak keluhan mengenai akun yang habis saat klien meminta penarikan dan ini adalah pertanda besar bahwa CTOption adalah broker scam. Cari tahu lebih banyak di bawah Keluhan. Tanda besar lain dari scam terpapar saat kita melihat di bawah Who yang ingin Anda gunakan dalam live chat. Ternyata, CTOption bekerja sama dengan segala macam tipuan cepat kaya seperti: FastCashbiz. Kode Fibo (terekspos dalam jam scam kami), Profit Maximizer (ditinjau dan ditunjukkan oleh kami), kode Quantum (diperingatkan oleh NSSC di Canda), celah kas, uang push (ditinjau dan ditunjukkan oleh kami) dan banyak lagi penipuan yang sudah terbuka Editor Catatan Mengapa CTOption DOESN8217T Suck di 50 Kata CTOption didasarkan pada PandaTS, penyedia solusi perangkat lunak dan platform terkemuka untuk Forex dan jenis lembaga keuangan lainnya. Mengapa Penyalahgunaan CTOption Mereka menyedot karena Anda kebanyakan akan menemukan komentar negatif dan banyak keluhan tentang broker ini dan pengalaman serta ceritanya serupa dan melibatkan manajer akun CTOptions dan Replicator terkenal mereka. Haruskah saya Membuka Akun dengan CTOption Anda mungkin harus menghindari broker ini. Mereka sudah diperingatkan untuk tidak melakukan kegiatan yang tidak diotorisasi oleh banyak otoritas di seluruh dunia dan beberapa cerita yang diceritakan oleh banyak mantan klien mereka saat ini menunjukkan bahwa mereka tidak berniat untuk hanya memproses penarikan Anda. Platform itu sendiri bagus dan dilengkapi dengan baik. Perdagangan berjalan sangat cepat namun bergerak dari satu layar ke layar berikutnya, atau beralih dari highlow ke touch trading memiliki sedikit lag. Platform ini mendukung highlow, range, touch dan Hyper Trading. Hyper Trading adalah nama mereka untuk 60 second trading dan short term jangka pendek lainnya. CTOption mungkin memiliki penawaran terluas di kelas ini termasuk 30 detik, 60 detik, 2 menit, 5 menit dan 10 menit kedaluwarsa. Selain opsi-opsi lainnya sebagian besar dibatasi pada periode intraday expiry8217 yang bervariasi dari aset ke aset. Daftar aset itu sendiri juga lumayan bagus. Satu-satunya hal yang saya lihat hilang adalah indeks Asia. Mereka memiliki Uni Eropa dan AS, mereka membutuhkan orang Asia. CTOption memiliki lebih dari 2 lusin pasang forex dengan empat diantaranya berbasis Bitcoin termasuk BITUSD, BITEUR, BITJPY dan BITGBP. Ada 4 komoditas termasuk emas dan minyak dan sekeranjang saham mega corp internasional. Posisi minimum serendah 5. Kerugian dan ancaman besar lainnya adalah Replicator Biner mereka yang digunakan oleh manajer akun mereka untuk menghabiskan akun pedagang. Seolah-olah itu tidak cukup, Anda akan dikenai biaya akun yang tidak aktif sebesar 10 dari saldo Anda per bulan (setidaknya 50) jika Anda tidak aktif selama dua bulan tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya. Kesimpulannya, CTOption akan melakukan segalanya untuk memastikan Anda kehilangan deposito. Keluhan CTOption Semakin banyak keluhan muncul di seluruh internet, mulai dari manipulasi harga sampai kegagalan menarik dan ke pengelola akun tanpa persetujuan klien. Keluhan ini dapat dengan mudah ditemukan di forum online utama, termasuk dokumen kami, di thread khusus: CTOption Live Discussion. Update Januari 2017: Keluhan telah berlipat ganda sejak terakhir kami diperiksa dan cerita sekarang berbaris: Keluhan Replikator, tidak menghormati penarikan, meminta pembayaran yang tidak aktif dan getaran umumnya sangat buruk. Pengumuman dan Peringatan Regulasi CTOption 01.11.2016: FCA, otoritas tindakan keuangan Inggris memperingatkan terhadap CTOption yang tampaknya beroperasi tanpa otorisasi mereka. Selanjutnya, FCA menyebutkan di situs mereka bahwa CTOption secara salah mengklaim bahwa layanan pembayaran mereka diberi wewenang dan diatur oleh FCA. 26.10.2016: Anguillas FSC (di mana perusahaan yang mengoperasikan CTOption terdaftar di kantor luar Inggris mereka di Inggris), mengeluarkan peringatan Investor Alert terhadap CTOption dan perusahaan yang saat ini mengelola brokerage. 17.3.2016: British Columbia Securities Commission BCSC memperingatkan terhadap CTOption yang tidak memiliki izin untuk beroperasi di BC. Bonus Bonus CTOption selalu menjadi pertengkaran antara broker, reviewer dan trader. Saya tidak suka mereka dan bonus CTOption tidak berbeda. Sebenarnya, ini mungkin salah satu kebijakan bonus terburuk, atau setidaknya yang paling sulit dipahami, yang pernah saya lihat. Dalam ketentuannya mereka menyatakan bahwa kecuali jika disepakati tidak ada dana yang tidak disetorkan yang dapat ditarik. Namun, ada bonus sign up yang bisa sampai atau lebih dari 100 dari deposit awal Anda. Bonus di bawah 100 memiliki volume perdagangan 30X pada deposit plus bonus, bonus lebih dari 100 deposit Anda datang dengan minimum perdagangan 50X. Apapun, saya biasanya berbicara langsung dengan manajer akun saya untuk memastikan bahwa saya sangat jelas mengenai persyaratan tersebut, namun karena CTOption dapat mengubah persyaratan dan biaya yang diinginkan, saya rasa yang terbaik adalah dengan menghindari bonus. Update September 2016: Sesuai dengan Syarat dan Ketentuan mereka, bonus 300 dan di atas (.) Akan memerlukan volume perdagangan 70 kali jumlah bonus sebelum penarikan dapat dilakukan. Ingatlah bahwa total volume perdagangan akan disetel ulang menjadi nol jika Anda diberi bonus lagi. Temuan terbaru dari 2017. Setelah menerima bonus, Anda mungkin tidak menarik uang Anda sendiri kecuali jika Anda pertama kali menjual volume 1x dana yang disetorkan bonus dan tunggu 3 bulan Ingat bahwa biaya yang tidak aktif adalah 50 unit mata uang. Jadi, jika Anda menyetor, mengambil bonus dan menyadari bahwa Anda tidak ingin berdagang dengan CTOption atau Anda tidak tahu bagaimana berdagang Anda harus menunggu 3 bulan yang membuat akun Anda tidak aktif dan Anda akan dikenai biaya 10 dan kemudian Biaya penarikan 50 yang berarti Anda telah kehilangan setidaknya 100 atau lebih. Untuk memperburuk keadaan, hanya ukuran investasi tertentu yang dapat diterima sebagai volume perdagangan dan ada batas waktu. Seperti disebutkan sebelumnya, istilah bonus mungkin lebih buruk yang kita saksikan di industri ini dan yang paling rumit. Penarikan CTOption Pengambilan CTOption sedikit rumit jika tidak secara langsung tidak mungkin dilakukan sebagian besar waktu. Pertama, penarikan Min adalah sekitar 100. Kedua, Untuk melakukan penarikan yang harus Anda isi, cetak dan tanda tangani permintaan penarikan lalu pindai ke departemen keuangan mereka. Menurut pejabat perusahaan, penarikan harus memakan waktu sekitar. 24 jam setelah mengirim dokumen, tergantung metodenya. Mereka sangat menyarankan untuk menggunakan satu sumber tunggal seperti rekening bank tunggal, kartu kredit atau eWallet agar penarikan termudah dan kepatuhan terhadap undang-undang AML. Ewallet memiliki penarikan tercepat yang akan mereka bersihkan ke akun Anda dalam waktu kurang dari 2 jam setelah diproses (maks 2-3 hari untuk yang lain). Namun, dilihat dari apa yang kita pelajari di atas, penarikan dari CTOption mungkin sama sulitnya dengan mengeluarkan darah dari batu. Karena CTOption dapat sewaktu-waktu, ubah (baca menaikkan) biaya Anda sesuka mereka atau lihat akun Anda sebagai tidak memenuhi syarat. Update September 2016: Penarikan minimum sekarang 100 unit akun. Biaya pemrosesannya naik menjadi 50 unit akun dan kami sangat menyarankan untuk membaca Kebijakan Penarikan penuh mereka karena mereka mengenakan segala jenis biaya dan Anda harus mengenal mereka. Penilaian CTOption User Friendliness 1720 CTOption adalah platform yang user friendly. Tata letaknya intuitif layar perdagangan mudah dimengerti. Ada juga download tidak diperlukan. Broker juga mencakup banyak materi pendidikan dan analisis termasuk artikel, ebook, dan pembaruan harian namun untuk mendapatkan akses ke sebagian besar dari mereka, Anda perlu membuka akun terlebih dahulu. CTOption memiliki daftar aset yang sangat bagus dengan lebih dari 100 aset. Ini bukan yang terbaik dan memiliki beberapa keterbatasan tapi tetap bagus. Daftarnya adalah Forex yang berat tapi itu tidak mengherankan karena kebanyakan trader biner berasal dari dunia Forex. Semua indeks utama, komoditas dan saham hadir kecuali yang berasal dari pasar Asia. Kedaluwarsa baik-baik saja. Saya bilang OK karena bagus untuk day trader dan super short term trader tapi tidak terlalu banyak untuk trader jangka panjang. Sejak itu, Biner setelah semua persyaratan singkat sangat bagus. Update September 2016: Binari Jangka Panjang sekarang tersedia namun tidak untuk semua aset. Bagaimanapun, ini merupakan perbaikan dari penyiapan sebelumnya. Komisi, Dukungan, Pengembalian yang Efektif 1420 Setelah membuka akun demo saya, saya mencoba menggunakan live chat untuk menjawab pertanyaan sederhana dan tidak mendapat apa-apa setelah halo. Mungkin mereka lebih peduli dengan pengguna terdaftar yang benar-benar disetorkan. Rata-rata pengembaliannya rata-rata untuk industri dalam rentang 70-80, termasuk pengembalian uang sebesar 0-15 dari uang. Update 2017: Biaya tidak terbatas pada penarikan dan sedikit berlebihan. Jumlah sampai dengan 100 mungkin tidak dikenai biaya untuk penarikan pertama tapi setelah itu, berlaku 50 atau lebih tinggi. Kami sangat menyarankan Anda memeriksa struktur biaya mereka dalam Persyaratan dan Ketentuan mereka. Selain itu, biaya dapat diubah untuk akun tertentu setiap saat tanpa pemberitahuan lebih lanjut dan Anda mungkin dikenai biaya akun yang tidak aktif 10 atau lebih tinggi setelah 3 bulan tidak aktif. Deposito, Pembayaran, Bonus 1520 Update September 2016: Deposito minimum sekarang 250 unit akun (USDEURGBP) dan penarikan minimum adalah 100 unit rekening. Omset bisa mencapai 70 kali untuk bonus di atas 300. Secara keseluruhan, syarat bonus dan keseluruhan syarat dan ketentuan berantakan dan sangat tidak menguntungkan bagi para pedagang. Penarikan seringkali tidak diproses dan sementara itu, akun habis dengan menggunakan manajer akun atau Replikator. Broker Extra8217s 1220 Ada Replicator dan sinyal perdagangan tapi karena Anda berada dalam konflik kepentingan dengan broker yang terbaik untuk menghindarinya. Rating Keseluruhan CTOption 75100 90 Responses to 8220CTOption8221 Hai Guys, beri tahu peringkat Anda dari broker terpercaya dapat menahan banyak bobot di B. O. Industri, ini melibatkan beberapa bentuk tanggung jawab karena jika Anda salah Anda mungkin akan mengirim banyak orang untuk mendapatkan ripped off. Anda memiliki Opteck sebagai broker terpercaya beberapa waktu lalu dan mereka adalah broker yang sangat buruk (dari pengalaman). Silakan baca beberapa keluhan tentang Forex Peace Army forexpeacearmyforex-forumresolved-issues35533-resolve-ct-options-binary. html Jika kalian masih bahagia maka saya akan berinvestasi di CTOption. Hanya karena ingin tahu apa kredensial untuk membuat daftar broker terpercaya Apakah Anda benar-benar melakukan perdagangan dengan keuntungan broker dan penarikan terima kasih atas umpan baliknya, dan ya 8211, kami lebih dari sekadar menyadari tanggung jawab Hugh terhadap para pedagang. Itu sebabnya kita berada di sini, dan itulah yang sedang kita lakukan. Mengenai Opteck8230 Telah terdaftar untuk waktu yang sangat singkat sebagai broker terpercaya, namun kami memutuskan untuk tidak menyetujui broker ini. Terlalu banyak masalah, bukan secangkir teh kita. Kami memiliki harapan tinggi dari broker ini di first8230 dengan baik. Terlalu buruk bagi mereka kurasa Mereka sekarang dalam proses pengaturan dan harus diatur dalam waktu singkat, dan sepertinya mereka kembali ke jalur tapi kita harus terus memantau. Tapi itu untuk Opteck seperti untuk CTOption 8211 seperti yang Anda lihat pada keluhan FPA, itu terselesaikan dan cepat. Saya berhasil membuat 2 penarikan (tidak menggunakan data saya sendiri) dan berkesempatan untuk berbicara dengan DR. Rudolph, CEO CTOption, pria yang sangat baik. Fakta lain yang patut disebutkan: StockPair adalah broker terpercaya selama 2-3 tahun sekarang, bahkan lebih. Namun, Anda benar-benar bisa menemukan komentar negatif. Tidak disini dan tidak di website lain. Saya berharap kekurangan umpan balik negatif atau positif dalam kasus CTOption sama dengan StockPair. Sejauh ini 8211 begitu bagus. Kami di sini untuk memantau dan mengikuti Hi Martin, terima kasih atas balasan Anda. Kalian melakukan pekerjaan dengan baik dan saya senang menjadi bagian dari komunitas yang sedang berkembang. Saya telah melakukan penarikan dari CT Options dan semuanya dilakukan dalam jangka waktu 24 jam di situs mereka. Ini hanya pengembalian uang kembali ke kartu saya jadi saya mengasumsikan transfer bank keuntungan akan memakan waktu sedikit lebih lama. Sejauh ini bagus sekali dengan broker ini. Salam Alex Apakah ada cara agar saya dapat berbicara dengan Dr Rudolph mengenai masalah saya yang saya poskan di bawah ini sehingga uang Anda berhasil membangunnya? Sebagian besar menang yang kemudian menang. Dia mengatakan seseorang menyalakan saklar autotrade dan altrade hilang oleh pialang saya. Uang saya kembali tidak pernah mendengarnya lagi. Saya punya uang yang ingin saya tarik tiba-tiba saya tidak patuh kalau sudah lenyap sekarang saya punya 13.75 wow saya bilang kepada mereka juga tetap harus berarti lebih banyak lagi maka saya semoga dr Rudolph Melihat keluhan dan memutuskan mereka CT Option adalah operasi penipuan. Bagaimana di dunia dapatkah situs ini memberi mereka penilaian yang menguntungkan (tepercaya) Mereka tidak diatur oleh pemerintah manapun dan saya khawatir telah menemukan terlalu banyak hal negatif yang berkaitan dengan mereka. Saya menyalin dan membaca Syarat dan Ketentuan yang sangat panjang (35 halaman) dan saya harus mengatakan bahwa saya benar-benar terkejut bahwa Opsi CT benar-benar menganggap orang-orang di pikiran kanan mereka hanya akan langsung beralih ke penipuan ini. Mereka memiliki terlalu banyak biaya, biaya, batasan, keterbatasan, dan hukuman (dikutip dalam Persyaratan Ketentuan yang panjang) yang pada dasarnya memberi mereka kebebasan untuk memanipulasi data dan memperlakukan anggota perdagangan mereka namun mereka suka untuk menghasilkan keuntungan bagi CT Pilihan. Aku bukan orang tolol. Saya telah membaca banyak ulasan yang ditulis oleh orang-orang yang memiliki pengalaman mengerikan dengan CT Options mengenai masalah ini dan juga tentang kegagalan CTO untuk membayar pendapatan orang lain. Dan ketika orang menulis atau meminta untuk mengeluh tentang perawatan ini, Opsi CT diketahui hanya dengan akun perdagangan seseorang dan mematikan semua komunikasi dengan orang yang melakukan keluhan. Sementara Anda dan situs web Anda melukiskan gambaran yang sangat cantik tentang apa itu pilihan CT broker yang bagus, saya khawatir bahwa dalam membaca pendapat banyak orang, banyak pengguna mendapatkan kesimpulan yang sama sekali berbeda. Sangat jelas bagi saya bahwa Opsi CT adalah Operasi Penipuan (tanpa peraturan profesional) yang menunjukkan kurangnya kejujuran, kredibilitas, dan kurangnya perhatian atau penghargaan terhadap pelanggan mereka yang memiliki hak kepemilikan atas penghasilan mereka. CT Options bisa bersembunyi dibalik dokumen setebal 35 halaman yang penuh dengan jumbo omong kosong dan merasa nyaman dengan diri mereka sendiri. Tapi setelah melakukan penelitian sendiri, saya TIDAK PERNAH akan menyetor uang dengan broker ini karena saya sudah tahu bahwa melakukan hal itu akan sama dengan memboroskan uang hasil jerih payah saya ke toilet. Ini adalah proposisi kalah-kalah 8212- dan ini disebut PENIPUAN. Jauhi broker ini. Mereka TIDAK diatur. Dan sekarang setelah saya membaca ulasan ini tentang binaryoptionsthatsuck, saya mendapatkan perasaan bahwa Anda menerima komisi rujukan dari Opsi CT atau Anda TIDAK melakukan pekerjaan rumah Anda. Dalam kedua kasus, ulasan Anda juga tidak dapat dipercaya. Terima kasih atas komentar Anda. Broker ini benar-benar memberikan insentif di luar kecurangan. Saya juga berpikir bahwa benar-benar kecurangan dengan cara yang mereka anggap legit karena tidak ada persetujuan pemerintah atau lisensi otorisasi internasional. Jadi sekarang, saya menjauh dari kebingungan dan kehendak Tidak melakukannya sejauh ini. Namun, menghabiskan waktu sekitar satu jam untuk menonton videonya. Halo terima kasih untuk reviewnya. Saya telah memperdebatkan cuaca untuk membuka akun dengan CToption karena saya memiliki demo dengan mereka dan saya menyukai antarmuka, tapi satu keluhan itu menahan saya. Tapi terima kasih sudah membersihkannya. Saya telah melakukan trading dengan Ctoptions dan sejak Oktober 2014. Sampai minggu terakhir ini saya hanya diberi uang karena kehilangan trading. Tapi sekali lagi minggu lalu ini, saya bisa memenangkan semua uang yang telah saya keluarkan dan memiliki di akun saya ukuran keuntungan yang bagus. Ketika saya pergi untuk menarik beberapa keuntungan. Saya melihat bahwa penarikan tersebut tertunda selama lebih dari 10 hari. Setelah email dan menelepon untuk berbicara dengan manajer akun saya lebih dari belasan kali. Akhir saya diberitahu hari ini bahwa meski saldo saya di atas 2700.00. Mereka hanya akan memberi saya 379,00. Saya tidak pernah mengambil bonus karena margin yang mereka minta. Alasan saya diberikan adalah karena Manajemen Manajemen 82221. Membaca bagian itu hanya menyebutkan kehilangan perdagangan. Saya butuh bantuan atau saran yang anda punya. Manajer akun saya mengatakan kepada saya bahwa meskipun saya telah memenangkan perdagangan. Ctoption itu akan bertindak seolah-olah perdagangan tidak pernah terjadi. Apakah itu legal. Saya juga menghadapi kesulitan yang sama yang Anda hadapi, tolong beritahu saya tindakan apa yang Anda lakukan terhadap mereka. ThxRgds Gk Hei Elias, Tidak masalah Steer clear dari replikator mereka kecuali Anda mengenal trader. Pedagang di replikasinya terlihat bagus, tapi mereka sedang melakukan dengan perangkat lunak. Perdagangan sedang dilakukan pada detik yang sama untuk mata uang yang berbeda. Entah mereka memiliki tikus tercepat di barat, atau ada sumber buatan yang membuat perdagangan. Aku tahu ini tangan pertama. Mereka mencabut deposit 500 saya dan dengan bonus 100, mereka melakukannya dalam waktu kurang dari 2 minggu. Hei semua orang, ada peringatan lain dengan broker ini: Saya menyimpan total 8000 broker ini, dan ditugaskan ke manajer akun bernama George West. Setelah seminggu berdagang dengan mereka, saya mendapat email dari George yang mengatakan bahwa ukuran perdagangan saya terlalu besar, dan saya seharusnya hanya menggunakan 5 perdagangan. Ini terasa aneh, tapi aku patuh. Saya bertanya kepada George apakah tidak apa-apa untuk melakukan banyak 5 perdagangan, dan dia meyakinkan saya bahwa itu tidak masalah. Setelah terus menukar beberapa 5 perdagangan, saya mendapat email lain yang menyatakan bahwa perdagangan saya tidak tercakup dan keuntungan yang saya hasilkan tidak dapat dibayarkan kepada saya, dengan efektif meniadakan 3000 keuntungan yang saya hasilkan. Ini benar-benar membuat saya kesal karena saya sangat menyukai platform yang mereka berikan, tapi jika mereka mendapatkan keuntungan dari pembayaran, bahkan jika mematuhi peraturan yang disediakan oleh manajer akun8230 mereka. Yang berbicara untuk dirinya sendiri. Jika ada orang yang menginginkan bukti ini dan email di antara kami, saya akan dengan senang hati memberikannya. SANGAT MENYENANGKAN TENTANG BROKER INI DAN SEGALA BROKER YANG MENOLAK PAYOUT PROFITS8230 melalui email antara kami, maksud saya email antara saya dan manajer akun saya, dan pertarungan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan saya Wow. Ini adalah hal yang sangat mirip yang terjadi dengan akun trading saya dari CTOption. Saya sudah masuk sejak akhir 2014 sedikit di atas tahun 2100. Tetapi dengan deposit terakhir 500. Saya telah memenangkan perdagangan yang menghasilkan keuntungan saya ke tahun 2719. Bagaimana ini bisa berhasil untuk Anda Ada saran untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari broker ini? Masalah yang sama dengan Ctoption. Saya akan kembali dan memberi firasat dengan manajer akun Alex atas keuntungan saya 2719. Apa hasilnya bagi Anda, apakah Anda pernah mendapatkan uang Anda Dan jika demikian bagaimana Ctoption tidak memiliki masalah dalam mengambil uang saya dan dengan kehilangan perdagangan selama 5 aturan. Tapi begitu saya menang sekarang mereka ingin memainkan game ini. Terima kasih update Bisakah Anda mengirimkan bukti bahwa posting Bagus yang saya gunakan menggunakan ctoption selama 2 bulan sekarang, baru saja berhasil membuat penarikan pertama saya. Ct bukan broker pertama yang digunakan, dan bukan yang terhebat sekalipun. I8217m yang berbasis di AS dan banyak mendapat banyak pilihan, sejauh ini saya senang dengan broker ini. Anda semua mengeluh tentang dukungan-benar. Bukan yang terbaik Tapi sungguh, dukungan adalah hal terakhir yang Anda butuhkan kecuali Anda melakukan penarikan. Mereka hanya mencoba membuat deposit Anda, jadi lebih baik berdagang sendiri tanpa bantuan dari 8220 manajer akun8221. Membawa saya 6 hari - untuk mendapatkan uang saya Halo Semua, saya ingin berbagi pengalaman saya tentang CTOption. Saya tidak tahu apa yang Alex bicarakan, tapi saya benar-benar sulit mengembalikan uang saya. Hal pertama yang pertama, Customer Service sangat buruk (Id say sucks) benar-benar umpan balik yang buruk. Anda agak dipaksa untuk pergi dan mencari mereka ditambah mereka benar-benar kasar (Terutama broker pribadi saya George West) mereka tidak pernah menelepon saya untuk bertanya kepada saya apakah saya senang berdagang dengan mereka dan ketika saya mencoba untuk menarik uang di sini, ini memulai semua masalah saya. Untuk membuat cerita pendek, saya mendapat uang setelah 8 hari sejak saya mengklaim penarikan tersebut, dan saya hanya mendapat setoran awal dari sisa uang yang mereka simpan ke rekening mereka. Pokoknya, TINGGAL JAUH orang yang saya punya masalah untuk penarikan 250 bayangkan jika Anda perlu mencairkan lebih banyak uang. LIMBAH WAKTU. Jika ada pertanyaan, beritahu saya Im akan membahas lebih detail atau mengeposkan obrolan dengan pialang saya :) HI, pernahkah ada yang mencoba bot Bug Binary mereka benar-benar efektif saat mereka mengklaim Sedangkan Replikator, saya kira dari posting Di atas itu benar-benar gila dan risiko besar kehilangan semua uang dengan cepat. Mereka memiliki daftar pedagang papan atas untuk diikuti dan beberapa memiliki tingkat kepuasan lebih dari 70, apa sebenarnya lebih dari cukup untuk mulai mempercayai. Tapi apakah itu nyata saya membuka rekening dengan mereka tapi belum didanai. Seorang pria baik memanggil saya, sangat realistis dan bijaksana, tidak ada hubungannya dengan sisa broker yang saya kenal. Dia menawari saya akun Demo 5000. Saya sedang memikirkannya. Apakah menurut Anda ini berguna untuk menguji Replicator dan Bot sebelum memulai dengan akun yang didanai sebenarnya UPDATE: Saya diberi akun Demo 1000 selama seminggu, bahkan tanpa mendanai akun sebenarnya saya, yang bagus dari mereka Namun saya mencoba Bug Biner dan bukan real deal. Untuk posisi pendek (30-60 detik) itu kehilangan sebagian besar. Untuk posisi lebih lama (2-10 menit) itu sekitar 5050, jadi anda benar-benar bisa menghasilkan uang. Ini bukan tes yang cukup panjang, tapi karena perdagangan sering terjadi, kurasa itu cukup informasi. Sedangkan untuk Replicator saya belum sempat mencobanya sebelum akun demo tidak aktif. Sekarang mereka mengatakan untuk terus melakukan pengujian, saya harus mendanai akun sesungguhnya yang sejajar dengan rata-rata, cara saya melihatnya sehingga mereka memiliki 30 pedagang senang dan tidak menyukai cara menghasilkan uang juga untuk sistem yang Anda katakan bahkan miliar. Komputer dolar tidak bisa memprediksi harga pasar jadi bagaimana sistem bisa menjadi cara terbaik untuk menghasilkan uang dengan harga dan opsi penny Setelah membaca dan mempercayai broker CTOption ini, saya memutuskan untuk mencobanya. Inilah pengalaman saya: 1) Platform tidak cepat habis, saya menemukan bahwa broker yang teduh platform mereka terus-menerus keluar 2) Platform sulit untuk melihat keseimbangan Anda, tidak tahu mengapa mereka tidak memberi Anda keseimbangan, Anda dapat melihat perdagangan Anda. Sejarah tapi tidak seimbang 3) Replikator trader, pikirkan yang ini Anda hati-hati karena saya menyimpan 1000 menggunakan hanya satu trader dengan nilai tertinggi. Nah, akun saya dihapus dalam waktu kurang dari 2 minggu dengan 20 angka kemenangan, jadi replikatornya adalah seekor banteng Haven yang memiliki kesempatan untuk mencoba menarik diri karena dana saya telah musnah. i give out trading signals people say they are amazing my twitter is itsoezz and you can email me e. oyefesohotmail. co. uk, I8217m very happy to give you a 5 day trial, you don8217t have to excite them just look at the signals and the results I find it amazing this broker is still operating. They constantly call you over and over again with new promotions but it8217s all a farce. When I signed up I had a complaint they decide to show me their advantage over me by saying I cannot go to any entity to complain and in George West words 8216WE ARE NOT REGULATED BY THE FINANCIAL SERVICE AUTHORITY OR ANYONE ELSE8217. If you really want to trade with a company that is not being monitored than go ahead8230 I8217m still waiting for my money back Cannot trust this broker, after readings the reviews I can honestly say I experienced the same, they offered a promotion and when I met the required turnover they decided to take it back. I have an email to prove this from Laura Martin. I was also told by George west they are not regulated by anyone and am still awaiting my withdrawal. Their platform is working against the trader regardless of the rubbish any broker gives you about how they work on turnover. It times out at the U. S. opening time so the EurUsd cannot be traded and they have this 5 percent rule which I will never understand. Be very careful of this broker especially considering they are not regulated I8217m writing this message in hopes I may warn as many people as possible who are considering CToption as their B. O. platform. I8217ve been trading for several years and would consider myself very experienced and knowledgeable. I wanted to diversify with other financial instruments and liked the idea of trading B. O. so I decided to give CToption a shot. I have several strategies and started winning the majority of my trades. Then over time, I noticed that my larger trade amounts were being digitally manipulated. So what I was seeing on my charting software (I use TC2000 Platinum) vs. what I was seeing on CToption8217s chart would start to change simultaneously. For example, I8217d place a 5 min. put and at the very beginning of the trade, the price on my charting software would resemble and match that to the chart displayed on CToption. Then about 2-3 minutes in, I would see the price drop on my charting software, while at the same time the price would start going up on the chart displayed on CToption I lost several trades because of this. There was roughly a 10 pip discrepancy anytime this happened, so in other words, CToption would give a 10 pip handicap in favor of themselves. For example, if I saw 98.8177 for CADJPY on my charting software, the price for CToption would display 98.8187 and would remain this way until the trade expired. Then about 5-10 seconds after the trade expired, the price displayed by CToption would fluctuate to again match the same price displayed by my charting software Unbelievable. It8217s been extremely frustrating I lost several trades and because of this, where I know for certain I won those trades fair and square. No doubt I feel slighted and taken advantage of. I hate it and I8217m calling out inequity anytime I see it. It8217s a pretty tty feeling to say the least. And now to come and find out, they8217re not even regulated by the FCA Not too sure what I can do other than write this review to try and warn others. To CToption: You are playing with fire Especially from what I8217ve seen on this page and several other complaints on other B. O. websites. It appears you have established quite the shady trend for yourselves and in this case the trend is definitely NOT your friend. For those of you who have been slighted in any way from this company, take heart and remember Romans 12:19 in the Bible: 8220Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave the way open for Gods wrath for it is written, Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord.8221 Many thanks for your review. I8217m new to B. O. May I ask what trading platform you recommend Nadex, my friend, go with Nadex if you8217re wanting to trade in the B. O. industry. Everywhere else is a bucket shop if you8217re in the United States. If you8217re trading in Europe, Stockpair would be the one to use. They8217re now regulated and have integrity 8211 that8217s my own experience. Honestly I am disappointed in CTOption. Laura Martin was my first account manager. She convinced me that I would get the maximum support to enable me to make profits. She sent me so much emails and called me often. Immediately after depositing money she stopped calling. She didnt give me any support. I sent her an email requesting for support but she refused to reply. Then I received an email from Gabe Hamilton that he is my new account manager but still there was no support from him. I tried their replicator out but a lost over 50 trading 5 per trade in less than 20 minutes. My deposit of 300 dropped to 22 in less than a month and no is bothered to help me. I sent an email to laura telling her I had lost over 90 of my investment and I needed help but uptill this moment she did not reply. Its unfortunate because I made the deposit out of trust. CTOption is not advisable I am considering becoming a customer of CTOptions with a staring balance of 1500. I was most impressed with the live trading room the rep spoke to me about I have an overall good feeling about them. But i have been wrong in the past can you tell me about the live trading room and its effectiveness. Thanks for the complete Review. Before Reading this, I even wasn8217t informed about some features that CToption offers, although I have been trading with them for a long time. Since joining them, I have been trading Binary options following their 8216Binary Replicator8217 which gives pretty accurate trading signals. Its True, signal losses often, but at the End of the week, I Earn more than I lose. well i have not seen anyone talking about withdraws so i guess most have lost their money or are letting them hold it so you can trade a larger amount I actually have not complaints against this broker. CToption is pretty user friendly and best platform for novice traders since this broker always cares about traders security and make it possible for us to trade with EASE and offer fastest withdrawal. Trading with CTOption broker, I have made withdrawals may be 4 times in total. Yes, I withdraw once in a month. But I have never had any kind of problem withdrawing my profits since I have not received any bonus with them. ) I was preparing to open an account with CTOption but thank God I came upon this review thread. I gotta say though, I8217m still caught in between opening and not opening an account with them. The 91100 rating by the author of this review sounds very promising. But reading the user reviews and how hugely dissatisfied they are, that makes me want to stay away from them. Laura and George sound like two real douche bags from what I8217ve read here, even their names sound fake. Why is their headquarters based in such St. Vincent and the Grenadines of all countries So far Nadex has been the most decent broker I8217ve used, but maybe it8217s time I took a risk8230 Highest payouts, friendly trading interface, no technical errors and the trading conditions are excellent, I hope they don8217t change for worse. If they remain this good, I hope to stay a lifetime with them I have a long and prosperous relationship with CTOption and I still consider them as one of the best and most trustful online binary brokers. Especially ideal for beginners because of the user friendly platform and lowest investments plans I recently submitted a request (two days ago) for a partial withdrawal my profits, and within 24 hours of submitting the required documents my trading account was mysteriously deleted, not closed but deleted. I have made multiple attempts to reach customer service as well as my account manager for a possible solution and neither have responded to my inquiry. Not certain if this is a scam or merely an oversight within CTOption. Still waiting for a response from CTOption8230 Sort by Newest I have been trading with CT Options for over an year now. They are one of the best, I would say. I started on a weekend and had a very positive introduction by Laura Martin, the outstanding CT options representative, who has relocated from US. She is quick, thorough and very caring. Next, I was introduced to David Lucas, my account manager. He was easily reachable, very understanding, humble and went out of his way to help me. I intoduced three of my friends to CT Options because of him. Some of the positive things I have noted with CT options are8230 1.Superfast executions.. 2.Excellant customer service.. 3.Generous bonuses.. 4.Withdrawal in 3-5 business days.. 5. Ten minute options, which are unique to CT Options. Along the way, I have lost money and I took it as a learning curve. I have withdrawn money a few times already and almost all withdrwals were processed within 3 days of my initial request. The most recent withdrawal was for 5500 and I was stunned to see the approval within 2 days, thanks to George West, the incredible floor manager, who is also my account manager at the moment. George West has been a tremendous help to me and he is a man of his words. I have traded with 8-10 brokers during the past 2 years and have seen it all - platform manipulations, hype, signal scams, bonus traps, false promises, bogus education material and the list goes on8230.but I have been very very happy with CT Options. The only Binary Options Broker that is recommended is CTOption, their payment system is fully regulated by the FCA and I don8217t have any problems, however, I didn8217t accept any the bonus. Don8217t trade with CTOptions I8217ve deposited 350 euro, after all lose i made from 20 eur again 136 euro. with high risk. i wanted to withdraw my money and they said to me that with 350 euro i only can trade with 15 euro per trade but i trade a lot with 25 euro. then they told me i wont get my money back and blocked me. I have withdrawn my first profit with Ctoption. over all the interface is good. the platform is fair (not much of a fan), but the execution is decent. they do have a good number of assets to choose from and its a plus. I8217ve been trading CToption for a month. I have done a bonus turnover. Withdraw the money and profit. No withdrawals problems, support is great, outstanding or maybe my account manager is so good -). CToption is a fraud and I can8217t believe you endorse them. I have an executive account with them which I opened 8 months ago. After almost 500K in trades with them they changed my account. According to George West they moved it to a different server. It now takes 2 to 3 seconds to process trades and I always get the worst possible price on any trade. To make this clear let me give you an example. I take a call position on EURUSD. At the time I take the position the price is at 1.09150. During the 2 to 3 second delay it jumps to 1.09160 and then drops to 1.09140, I get 1.09160. This happens every time on every single trade. In a moving market this can give them a 20 or 30 pip range in which the trader can8217t win. Price manipulation is fraud and should not be tolerated but websites like this one recommend them and allow them to continue to trap people. Stay away from CToption they are a fraud and be very careful trusting this website, I did and it cost me dearly. I must thank to team CToption for making such an amazing platform and offering so many helpful tools and providing good supports that helped me winning trades on binary options market8230 Thanks a lot Hi Everyone, JD, I like your comments and you are correct, I signed up within Virtnext System and Virtnext suggested to sign up with CT OPTIONS to use system, one week pass, NO Virtnext system, Ct Options Andy Jones want me to trade on CT Option Platform, No response from Virtnext or Ct Options, Asked for refund from CT Options, they want my personal documents to withdraw my deposit, i did no trading on their platform because I8217ve signed up to use Virtnext, so, according my view they can not be trusted, Regards Winston Has anyone used their 8220Replicator Pro8221 service They have 8220pro8221 traders who trade your account. However, you need to deposit a few thousand dollars in order to activate that level of service. One of the managers from CTOption encouraged me to participate in this feature, and he even let me in on a temporary basis (meaning I didn8217t need to ante up any money yet, just my initial 250 to open the account). So I accepted that offer, and in 2 weeks they did (what appears to be) an EXCELLENT job of tripling my 2508230so I8217m at 731 right now. However, how do I know they actually did get those results by trading, and not by merely doing an accounting trick Also, if they are tripling the account every 2 weeks, why would I need to add thousands of dollars Heck, in just a month or so, there will be several thousand dollars in there. So, if anyone has suggestions or a history with ReplicatorPro, I8217m all ears. Afterall, I don8217t make money by giving them money. I am using Replicator Pro and it is going very well. I started Feb 4th and my account is up 59 as of today (315). I have not attempted a withdrawal. But so far so good. - Mark Good luck with your withdrawal - I also used replicator pro - after a positive demo I deposited several thousand and they kept trading it. after two months the balance was up 30. I put in a withdrawal request. The next day I checked, the withdrawal had been cancelled and every single bit of profit was traded away in one 3 hour session. I was called by Andy jones, because me and my father wanted to withdraw out money since we did not trade very much. He said that he could trade our accounts for 2 weeks, and there would be no catch we would keep all profits made. He also said that if he would loose the money, he would refund the money in my account. If we after 2 weeks wanted to continue, then we needed to fund further 1500 each into our accounts. So i said okay let8217s try it, now it8217s been almost 2 weeks and my account has gone from 250 to 666. i don8217t have plans to continue with the replicator pro because of the huge deposit, so it will be exciting to see i keep the money. I will certainly withdraw if they don8217t let me keep it, because i8217m not interested in lending them my account in order to make them profits. So Ken have you made any withdrawals yet How was the process of getting out your profits What did you have to do to request your money back and how long did it take Hi Jd Yeah you8217re so accurate pall, I personally signed up for the Virtnext System, had to fund my account with CT Options, seconds after paying my 250 Broker phone me trying he8217s utmost best to convince me to trade on CT Options platform and add another 2500 to my account, I declined and asked for a refund because because no link to Virtnext, That was on the 121215 and still waiting for news from my Credit Card Company, CT Options told me to send my Personal documents and then ask for a withdrawl, WHAT, I did not trade 1 cent and asked them for a refund Be Good All WA Thanks JD. You are very right. I deposited 250.00 on 02232016 per PUSH MONEY APP ( another SCAM software). They won8217t do anything because they say that I have to deposit another 1500. Wow I said if you can8217t work on my 250 how much more with 1500. I said you can have my 250 but you can8217t fool me the 2nd time around. And I requested for that money to be returned to my credit card but until now its not being done. Don8217t waste your money I have hade experiences with 3 binary brokers. NEVER ACCEPT 8220BONUS.8221 You can start trading without 8220BONUS.8221 It sounds crazy NOT to accept bonus, but the problem with it is that once you accept 8220FREE MONEY8221 from the broker, ALL CONTROL OF THE MONEY goes to the broker and is irrevocable. IRREVOCABLE until you trade 20X, 30x, 40x, or even 50X the original deposit. THIS is harder than 8220I8221 was given to believe (my own sense of self confidence). I finally learned how to profit, but it takes a lot of practice to discover your method. I trade short binaries 30 and 60 seconds, and it seems like it would be easier than it is. Of course, it is easy once you 8220get it.8221 Trading short binaries is like 8220putting8221 in the game of golf. It8217s great that you can hit the ball far with your driver, but it can be squeaky miserable over-putting a green and losing the game by a few feet or inches. I trade stocks, options, forex and now binaries. I think binaries are a 8220part8221 of a trading plan, not the whole thing. I also found that there are brokers who give you 8220UNLIMITED8221 practice accounts. Some will NOT GIVE YOU PRACTICE accounts which are reloadable. It takes practice to learn how to do binary trades and be successful. ONLY GO TO BROKERS who will give you up front unlimited practice accounts. I have found this in the market and happy with it. Essentially, I found that training and interest shown by your broker representative in your 8220EDUCATION8221 about trading binaries is a sure tip off that you have a good broker. Those you challenge you to take the bonus, learn with BONUS MONEY and then start trading your money, these are most interested in your money not your success. Best wishes. This is a new concept, at least in the mass market and many people are starting off-shore binary trading sites. At the moment it is still a very easy entry type business. Be wise, be aware and don8217t rush into anything. Don8217t take bonus and you stay in control of your money, deposited with the broker. Best of life to you NEVER EVER EVER do the bonus. It is a scam. First off you would have to do 30 times the 8216bonus sum8221 which means the total of your funds plus the matching so if you put in 2500 and they match you have a 5000 account so you have to do 150,000 in trading volume before you can withdraw any amount. If you use the broker to trade your account, they control the amount and frequency of trades which seems to average about 7500 a month so it with take 20 months before you can withdraw any funds. Your account will show great profits and returns, and within a couple of weeks the broker will ask you to deposit more funds so your account can trade with more volume. This means your trading volume will be reset to ZERO and the process starts over again. Understand they ONLY trade your money, not the matching, not the profits. So with a 2500 investment they trade a portion of that. If you had an account like mine, it would show 5000 because of the matching bonus. In 6 weeks the account showed 12,000 and the broker starting pushing me to add another 2500 so the account would trade at 10k (they would 8220bonus8221 match 2500). I asked why the profits were not being invested to achieve a greater return and he danced around the issue. I asked him to send me 5k and I would reinvest 2500 and he told me I didn8217t have enough trading volume. I began asking questions and he said in another few months he might could release 500 as a favor but he would have to present it to the board. I started asking what the issue was if this was my money and he said it was their policy and to read the details on the website which I did. He again pushed me to add 2500 and I said no way, adding more while not be able to access funds that were supposedly mine would be insane and foolish. He said he would ask the board about advancing money and would call me back. Days passed and I never heard another word. I filled out a request for withdrawal on the website on a Friday. On the next Monday my account was heavily traded (27 trades 50 netting 72 dollars) and no other trades or contact that week. The next Monday (today) my account was traded 20 times 50 for a loss of 828. All previous trades before I requested funds and started asking questions were done 10 at a time, 2 or 3 times a week always generating a 200 to 400 profit. This is a scam, they are no agencies regulating any of these brokers, the money will be gone. Do not waste your time. This website and others like it are part of the scam. You will not see real complaints only whitewashed issues and fake claims of trading and profits. You will see posts of how they got money immediately which are not true. You will notice all the adds these agencies have on this website which is the payoff to keep the scam moving. The minimum withdrawal amt. is 100.00. If you want to close your AC and you have less than 100.00. You can not get your money. You have to trade or put the money in AC. which I don8217t want to. That is CToption8217s policy. Anybody wants to deal with this broker, be aware of this information too. I asked them to close my AC amp donated the left amt. I opened with this broker because of FB group8217s signal provider. Some minutes after opening my account with CTOption I received a call from a guy named John to 8220assist8221 with the innitial setup. He was actually some sort of super pushy, very rude salesperson actually, who wanted me to raise my first deposit asap or else he would close my account, which he did. He didn8217t even let me use the Demo. I don8217t think them thrustworthy because of their urge for you to raise your deposit amount neither for their decision to close my account without my consent. Begin of the story one of my friend told me about ct-option and he showed me the winning trades and they have good replicator then i received a call from Alaa Karam and he told me that they are licensed company in London and he told me you can make withdrawal anytime and he explained everything about the company then i i deposited 2000 and after a while he called me at this time everyday and always reply on my messages in Skype and he give me 2 sessions for free with my account i started my first session with Lebanese guy called tony living in united states and i opened another account for my wife and my mother every one with 2000 so total i had deposited is 6000 he give me bonus 200 and they opened trades and they lost from my account 300400700 and they told me before i open my account that the trades they open for me is secured so they give me the lost money as a bonus and it was going fine i withdrawal 400 before i open the other accounts in the beginning they canceled the withdrawa l and then i called Alaa he said that they cancel the withdrawal cause i am your account manager so i have to confirm it then he confirmed this withdrawal and after i opened the 2 accounts and after about 1 month they was making a 100 bonus so i opened another account with my name he told me its good for the bonus you can learn to trade on this account i invested another 2100 so total i had invested is 8100 one day i read a review on internet that they are scam and my account manager wasn8217t answering my calls so i made a withdrawal on my accounts so what they did is canceling my withdrawal and removing it from the system and opening for me trades on this account although i was taking screenshots before they do this so i had to wait until this trades closes after calls and e-mails with no reply another one called me he is name is Hossam Haddad he told me sorry you can8217t withdrawal money now cause if you want to withdrawal money the free balance have to be 10 times the withdrawal y ou want to make so if you want to withdraw 400 you can deposit 4000 and after this call when i told them that you are thief8217s and this stuff no calls and replies from may 2015 and there is screen shots for all what i said you can contact me to send the evidence on what i am saying and i opened my account this month i found that they take dormant fee 50 every month on my account and the available balance is 171 and they lost my money in another account although i didn8217t open this accounts for more that 7 months and another account have 1038.96 so i just wanted to show how they work for any evidence of mails or screenshots i have everything contact me i make withdrawals on my accounts they just leave it pending and after a while they remove it Note: all my documents is approved in all the accounts I requested a withdrawal on April 15th after trading my account for about 1 year. I didn8217t get any response from anyone so I began going to live chat everyday asking the status of my withdrawal request. They told me every time to contact my account manager. I sent an email every day to support, compliance, accounts, and George West. I have never received a response. On May 5th while on live chat the withdrawal request was approved and backdated to May 1st. I have not received any money from them or contact from anyone. I deposited 500.00 on 5-10-16 and the person answered for CT was a American ans was very polite ans stated that a Representative would be in contact that day or the next at the lastest the next day still haven8217t heard anything from a Rep. on the 5-13-16 I called again and looked at my account and the money was there with NOTHING done with the 500.00. I was not satisfied, I asked for my money to be refunded and I received a letter they could not do that because of laws for Money Laundering, they haven8217t touched my deposit, I do not like a Company that tells you Lies to begin with it shows me POOR Management. I want my Money returned and my account closed, your company hasn8217t touched my deposit in 4 days you have NO intention of making me any money. Refund Wayne Johnson ,52 Londonderry Drive, Easton Maryland 21601 Ph. 410-443-8383 PS, Money Laundering is a CROCK . They dont let me withdraw Money from may account. Altough i have sent my requered documents. My withdrawal request have been pending for 11 days. I signed up with CToption. I am new to birany stock option. Right now I am on a 1wk trail. I need feedback, Have any anybody8217s ran into problems with there brokers. I allowed their broker to make trades for me. He made 300-350 a day and my balance is now 380 within 3 weeks. I was able to withdrawal 300 and it was wired into my account within 3 days. Now, that my trail is over, in order for me to continue I need to deposit 5000. What do you think Is this a scam Beware, just read some posts. I want to make a complaint against the CTOption. Before I made my deposit, the support team member was replying to every email I sent, and answered every question I asked. BUT straight after making the deposit, she never replied any of my emails. It8217s about a month now since I made that deposit, the amount of 250USD is still in my account. BUT there8217s no communication at all. No one responds to my emails anymore. What the hell is going on with this company Word of advice, CToption. Until you make a deposit, they will speak very nicely with you, and respond to your emails promptly. I made a deposit of 250, after reading some negative reviews, I knew I had to withdraw immediately. The worst part is I had read a positive review from is-scam. One should not always trust the reviews, comments are more truthful with user experience. Anyway, now I am still trying to get my money back Hello, I am from CToption support team. Please contact me and i will try and do the best i can to solve your issues. regards, Patrick Henderson. patrickhctoption Mr. Henderson, I am considering opening an acct. to use BinaDroid2. I do not trade manually. In your opinion, should I expect an problems 8216Lots of complaints on this page, but no one seems to be using outside robot. thank you Hi, I want to try the CTOption broker but i found quite many discussion about it..can anyone show me any prove that you received the withdrawal i would really appreciated it. thank you8230 Agreed I have caught them manipulating trades, rolling over winning trades into losing trades. I was watching real time as they did this on multiple time frames on all winning trades that should have expired WIN. Adding an extra hour to eventually be OTM They will also not let me withdrawal after numerous request and docs done then they charge dormant feesimguragauaT Ill preface this with the fact that I am 30 days fresh in the platform. Support is HORRIBLE. Chat reps will tell you one thing, and then something different the next day. I get the feeling that they are just hired callchat centers. Could never get anyone on the phone (other than an answering service) and when you do its someone different. This may be because they care more about actual cash clients. News flash Your demo users are your potential clients. Treat them well. But then again this is not the big boys so don8217t expect too much. While the platform is sophisticated some of the features are not. WARNING: Do not use Binary Bug. It is not secure (https). This is something even criminals have online. So your passwords are most likely hackedintercepted by now if you did use it (SO CHANGE IT unless you want someone making 8220tradeswithdrawals8221). The platform is OK. No complaints other than their 8220business processesresponsiveness8221 which hinder the newbie more than it helps. Overall I would NOT recommend this for newbies (run away). I have had a pro look over my shoulder for a week and he would NOT recommend it (obviously because he is at a higher level and uses more sophisticated tools). But if you are good at doing things SOLO and don8217t care much for human interaction then maybe its for you. Now once you get past all the starting up processes lets HOPE they dont rip you off But there are plenty comments in this forum so I wont start. Just deposited money at CTOption Tuesday and heard from the account manager Wednesday telling me he was going to send me setup info so I can get trading. I8217ve sent multiple emails to the original welcome guy and they8217re support emails and haven8217t heard anything from them. I guess my question is how long did it take for them to set up your account I have not been able to get a withdrawal since I deposited my money over 8 months ago. I have read many stories where people are scammed by CT Option and I myself included. They will keep your money and give you one excuse after the other so you cant withdraw any of it, I had grown my account to about 6500 dollars and one day they put an auto trader (replicator trader) and he lost over 3500 dollars in one day). If you have an account Manager you can be sure you will never get the money out that you put in, you may get a couple of small withdrawals but you will never get it all back. I8217ve been with CT for a long time and I know they have a lot to improve but have also improve a lot more than expected. I can say that they have been great to me and I will continue to trade there. I8217ve not had any issues with them and also believe that there have a great future ahead of them. If you are still curious, don8217t hesitate contact me and check them out yourself: bit. lybinaryctop CEO and company is a disgrace and should be held contempt for unethical practices by taking advantage of consumers. Customer service is atrocious and account managers are corrupted No documents were signed on my behalf allowing anyone in the CTOption (InfiniCore) firm to trade on my behalf. Company refuses to answer emails regarding a refund. Much like everyone else deposited money. Read some online issues with company so within a few hours requested a refund, received and email stated refund requested. Checked account next day and observed trades without my consent. Within two (2) days money was gone8230 Hello Martin, What a fiasco I8217ve had with CT Option Everything from unauthorized trades bonuses applied ( which in my experience relates to a lack of personal 8220fiduciary obligation8221 ) to unresponsiveness of return call requests. My account was drained when I started asking question about withdraws AND a trade (long term for a substantial amount) was made at that time with an unauthorized BONUS added locking in my funds, again unauthorized. I8217ve tried many, many, many times to get back in contact with my 8220assigned broker8221 who has went so far as to disconnect his contact number. I8217ve e-mailed every section within CT Option only to be passed around like a cheap wine When one person does not want to address my problem they give me to someone else and this has been going on for months. I8217m still waiting for a response to numerous e-mails I8217ve sent requesting assistance but to no avail. This company talks 8220trust and client commitment8221, maybe to the 8220big fish8221 but it8217s not applied to the smaller account holders. I8217ve even requested my account number and have been given two different numbers 8211 how does that happen. I8217d love to hear back from someone in a position of authority to rectify these unauthorized actions taken within my account, but at this point I8217m not even sure that person exists. I8217m sure Dr Rudolph Smith is a busy person, if there is such a person, and has other business than to answer to problems such as mine. However, with that said there must be someone within his company that can rectify this problem. Doesn8217t bode well his brokers are establishing such a bad reputation for client commitment and fiduciary obligations through unauthorized actions such has been transpiring within my account. A reply would be most appreciative. I just wanna say me and my family opened an account each of us and left the money at the mercy of our brokerf from about July til now initial deposit was 500 and now it8217s up to 6791.00 I want to withdraw 6200.00 should I have any problems with them and how long does it take to see change from pending. I8217m verified already and everything Hi Len, Please keep us posted if you really do a withdrawal. I just opened an account with them and deposited today with the amount of 250 soon after that I received a call from Michael saying that his my senior broker which assigned to me. He said a lot but to make the story short his asking me to fund my account more to start the trading. The amount his talking is 5000, I just wondered why they said that a minimum fund is 250 if they really want is a 5000. After reading all this comment here. It leaves me thinking Am I really into trap I have been trading with them for the past three months and they do not pay out 85, they keep 85 of your profits for themselves, giving you only 15. In little over 3 months of trading I made only 930. My Account Manager told me I should be happy I was making more than 20 off my initial investment My profit during this period was approximately 5000, and I should have made over 4000 if they were paying out the 81 their website says they do. Instead, they took over 80 of my profits for themselves. This was not a mistake, it was INTENTIONAL. Many emails to Customer Support remain unanswered. They refunded my initial deposits but refuse to send me my small profits. They do accept US traders, but DO NOT recommend them. Robert Skiles hi guys. wanted to share my experience on ctoption with you. i deposited 250 on a new account. i was very satisfied about the platform during 2 month. no problem so far but i raised my balance to 350 little by little. then i took a bad choice. i signed up for replicator trading, following two over 80 rated 8220experienced8221 traders for one week term. each trade 25. three days nothing happened. suddenly one long term trade was put which ended up otm. after this suddenly 24 trades were taken in a row. 15 otm, 9 itm, which turned my blance down to 66 dollars. when i realised this, i immediately quitted to follow them this thursday a 5 pm. and placed 4 itm trades with all my balance. (high risk). i pulled up my balance to 569 dollar again and closed the platform. 7 hours later, in my absence and withaout any consentment, a row of followed trades were taken which ended up with a balance of 44. i claimed this circumstances to the support, but got no refund or something else. finally i tried to raise me balance and after 3 month time lost it all. this happened to me and i have lots of screenshots of it. I read your review and it sounds good, but going back it doesn8217t hold up with the customer experiences. Dave K, Anthoney, 8230 Even if you comply with the 5 rule and cannot get your funds, then what rating are they really worth. Conclusion: At best, the deposit minus loss is paid back. After the first few weeks, my deposit had fallen from 500 to around 200. The senior account manager Nicole Schuster offered me a test week with the Replicator Pro, who then raised the account to 2100 within 2 weeks. Nicole promised: This profit of 1900 will be mine after 3 months, if I use Replicator Pro with at least 3000 deposit 8211 so I paid another 2500 (April 16). After one month my account stood at 5100 ( 500). But then it began. The performance was negative and the account dropped to 4300 until I deleted the replicator. Intermittent mails and telephone calls with Nicole brought no improvement. At the end of July, I applied for payment. On September 20, I received 2099 and 1942 were retained as Adjustment. CTOption leaves me idle 8211 a reason or explanation is still missing today. Only John Wilson (VIP Account Manager) wanted me to pay another 5000 and he promised we will have great success 8230 NowI have enough and choose this way to hopefully keep other people from registering at CTOption. Lots of different people advertising options. Some of them are the people that are supposed to be helping us customers. How come they got rich A cut from CToptions is how they make their money. Pushy with all kinds of rules. They are not regulated or they would obey the rules for good business. I opened an account with CTOPTION with 750.00. I then read reviews that said they will not release your money when requested. So I executed a withdrawal request. The next day I received a call from a trader named Tom Silver who wanted to know why I was withdrawing my money. I told him I really didn8217t know how to trade. He told me that if I gave him a week, he would trade for me and double my money. Then, he would want me to give him more money. I decided to try it for a week. In the meantime, my husband became very ill and hospitalized for several weeks. Tom did trade for me for a week and doubled my money, but wanted me to put in more money. I told him I decided not to do that because I needed the money to pay medical bills. He said I would have to forfeit any profit he made, but i would get my initial deposit and the bonus they paid, and my money would be available after two weeks. I waited two weeks and submitted a withdrawal request. Their automated email said I would receive my money in about 7 days. Received nothing. I submitted another Withdrawal request, again automated email. Nothing I emailed Tom Silver to find out what the holdup. Nothing I8217m really glad I never gave them more money PLEASE DON8217T WASTE MONEY AND TIME WITH THESE PEOPLE after making dome money, I decided to test a withdrawal to ensure they were legit. Wellllllllll, They did not give me my withdrawal, they will not give me my withdrawal. They claim that I signed up for their replicator pro service. I did NOT sign up for it, I did NOT use it, I did NOT unsubscribe to it. I have asked them to simply show me one transaction using the service. They can not. Instead, they are holding my profits as some sort of fee. This was the biggest mistake of my life. Upon requesting to have the Auto Trader switched Off, and having the assurance from Benjamin Vice 8211 Executive Account Manager, that he had ordered it, The system kept going for almost 3 days, draining my account in almost a USD1,000. Upon my complaint and repeated emails, this guy kept ignoring me and never cared for my problem. Stay away from this outfit. Who can I legally complain to formally that regulates this industry Please be noted that all information provided by Binary Options that Suck are based on our experience and do not mean to offend or accuse any broker with illegal matters. Kata Suck, Scam, dll didasarkan pada fakta bahwa artikel ini ditulis dalam bentuk yang satir dan berlebihan dan oleh karena itu terkadang terputus dari kenyataan. Semua informasi harus direvisi secara ketat oleh pembaca dan dinilai secara pribadi oleh setiap orang. 221 queries. 0.746 seconds. Tauribot Review By now you must have heard the buzz about the Tauribot app. If you are wondering 8220Is the Tauribot app a scam software8221 Elite team has done extensive research and have collected facts over the last few couple of weeks. Elite Club proudly presents this Tauribot review with the final results. This software is officially open to public for hundred beta testers for free of charge. Read more details on this review about their background and what makes Tauribot software unique. The Tauribot Review 8211 A Tauri equation Dr. Steven Archer is an Economics Professor at Chicago university. For the last five years he and his 8220think tank8221 team has been developing the ultimate formula for his trading platform. Although they were real close, there was one puzzle missing to the trading algorithm. The board of directors had frozen the funding. After exhausting all options, Dr. Archer opened up the challenge to the student community. 1000s of students responded to Dr. Archer8217s quest. A 15 year old autistic genius named Ian Tauraski was able to provide that piece of puzzle. This math genius made this complex equation look simple and thus born the latest high performing trading app. Tauribot was named after this wiz kid to honor his contribution. Tauribot was launched and the students of all majors and ages were provided the opportunity to test. The auto trader averaged anywhere between 85 to 92 profit range. Elite Club lean towards the conservative side and very happy to observe consistent 87 ITM performance. Some days the app does go beyond 87 profit. This puts Tauri bot app on the top recommended signals list for Elite Club8217s subscribers. With this exciting development, now the think tank team needs to prove TauriBot works consistently. Hence the invitation open to the public. With a small deposit funded into an account, you can verify the results and keep the profit that you make. It is free of charge to try. The funds in your trading account are all yours. You can withdraw your money at any point you wish. Tauribot Review 8211 Sponsored by Chicago University Tauribot Review 8211 Benefits of this auto trader The Tauribot runs on extremely advanced algorithms. However, this trading platform is created for people from all walks of life. In our review of this system, we found that no prior trading experience is necessary to take advantage of the TauriBot and to start earning money. There8217s no need to read all the technical graphs, know what they mean, how they work together, etc. Its as easy as turning on the auto trading with a single button, and watching the software trade for you. What makes the Tauribot software unique With many scam binary options system around, it is necessary to evaluate all the evidence that shows there is no scam in the Tauribot Software. This part of our review sets out all the positive aspects of using the automated system and shows you proof of success when testing the Tauribot App for trading. The Tauri BOT software has great potential because it had a 92 win rate when it was tested by students from different backgrounds. This hit rate was achieved from an initial deposit of 500 or 1,000. Students who started with 250 had a slightly lower success rate of 85. Patricia Johnson, the news reporter of Chicago today performed a simple trading on screen for demonstration. She has no prior knowledge of trading. Initial deposit is 250. Higher the deposit, advantage of making more money. With an initial deposit of 1000, Patricia made 150 within few minutes. Realistic profit like this makes this trading system a more legitimate system. Beware of any binary options trading system claiming to make you millionaire overnight They are a scam. Seeing Tauribot making a consistent and realistic profit sets them unique and a promising long term prospective. Tauri BOT review 8211 Nextgen binary options trading platform How to sign up for the Tauribot app Registering for Tauribot trading system is free of charge. In fact, the board of directors need Dr. Archer and his think tank team to prove that the system works consistently for people with all economic and educational backgrounds. So the door is wide open for public for anyone with or without any experience or knowledge. This team is looking for hundred beta testers so they can get their funding from the board. Here are the step by step instructions to sign up. CTRLSHIFTDEL Clear your cookies and cache to ensure successful synchronization of broker registration and the trading account. This is critical step in linking both these to enable auto trading. Scroll down the Tauri BOT page to enter email address. Di halaman anggota, pilih kata sandi. Klik register Perangkat lunak akan memilih broker lokal untuk Anda berdasarkan peraturan perdagangan negara Anda. Menyimpan dana ke akun Anda. Turn on the auto trading. How do I withdraw Withdrawing your funds from the TauriBot is super easy Simply click on the withdrawal button and enter the amount you wish to withdraw. Either a cheque or bank wire will be issued within 48 hours on working days. Conclusion 8211 Tauribot is not a scam Elite Club is happy to announce the Tauribot software is not a scam . It is a legitimate fully automated binary options trading system that can make you a consistent profit. Every thing we have inquired, researched and heard about the Tauribot app is positive, no signs of it being a scam. Please do your own research before signing up with any software. You can reach us at supportBinaryOptionsEliteClub for any personal assistance. Help the trading community with your feedback and comments below. Terima kasih sebelumnya. Antida armeni February 11, 2016 I am happy to say that I am one of yhe beta testers since two weeks. Started off with the minimum deposit of 250 cause I was wondering if this is the real deal. Today my account stands at 3200.I have not withdrawn any profits yet but plan to take 2000 by this weekend. That should leave enough to do some accelerated trading. I am a real time trader with medium experience. Thought I should share a real testimonial Alex February 12, 2016 Antida, thank you for sharing your experience with Tauribot and congratulations We received few emails sharing similar results but the guests wanted to remain private, so not published their comments. ifeanyi July 4, 2016 Hi, I signed up with one of your recommended best system. I immidiately received a mail from them but when i opened it, i was shocked to start seeing a video of quantumcode. just to let you because i do not understand anymore from what is happening. Binary Options Withdrawal Scam Binary Options withdrawal scam is one of the major Binary Options scam allegations. To be sure there are brokers that are not reputable and have held onto customer deposits. It is important to do as much due diligence as possible when selecting a broker. Read broker reviews and search the internet to check for trader feedback on particular brokers. There is tremendous competition in the industry so you can be confident that non reputable brokers will become public and won39t remain in business for long. Having said all this it is important to understand how the withdrawal process works and terms and conditions regarding withdrawals when bonuses are involved. Withdrawing Funds and Anti 8211 Money Laundering Laws There are those who claim that one Binary Options scam is identity theft. Brokers request some personal information for identification before they will send a profit withdrawal. There are laws in effect with regards to international money transfers. As a rule brokers will not transfer money without receiving personal identification information from the recipient. As an example 24option requires photo ID, proof of address and copy of credit card used to fund the account in order to make a withdrawal. They state that this information is required to comply with anti 8211 money laundering policies. Generally identification will be limited to these 3 pieces of information. It is important to check before you deposit what the ID requirements are. Certain brokers, such as TradeRush will require the information before you deposit. Many brokers do not clearly state this information. Often times you must look at the terms and conditions to determine the withdrawal requirements. It is crucial to clarify this information with the broker before you make your initial deposit. The information required should be limited to photo ID and proof of address (such as utility bill) as well as copy of credit card used to fund the account. If more information such as Social Security is requested that should raise a red flag. Binary Options Withdrawal With a Credit Card Its real easy to fund a Binary Options account with a credit card, but when it comes to withdrawing to a credit card it39s not so simple. Most brokers can credit your card back for the original deposit account. This is a simple reversal of the original charge. The profits however, cannot be credited to your credit card. Credit cards don39t work that way. You can make payments (and of course reverse those pavements) with a credit card, but you can39t receive profit with a standard credit card. It is for this reason that brokers will refund your deposit amount to your credit card, but will only wire profits to your bank account. In the next article I will be discussing Binary Options withdrawal scam claims as they relate to Binary Options Bonuses. Related posts: Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is the opinion of the authors and is not necessarily based on factual data or actual legal decisions. TradeOpus dan karyawannya tidak menerima kerugian karena kehilangan atau kerusakan karena ketergantungan pada informasi yang diberikan di situs ini. Lihat Kebijakan Privasi kami di sini Pengungkapan Resiko: Perdagangan di pasar keuangan disertai berbagai tingkat risiko. Adalah tanggung jawab pedagang untuk mengenali risiko yang terlibat. Pedagang tidak boleh mengambil risiko lebih banyak uang maka dia bisa kalah. TradeOpus dan karyawannya tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian perdagangan yang mungkin dihadapi pedagang akibat penggunaan data atau saran yang terdapat dalam situs web ini. Sesuai dengan pedoman FTC, TradeOpus memiliki hubungan keuangan dengan beberapa produk dan layanan yang disebutkan di situs web ini, dan TradeOpus dapat diberi kompensasi jika konsumen memilih untuk mengeklik tautan ini di konten kami dan akhirnya mendaftar untuk mereka. TradeOpus adalah otoritas Anda untuk Binary Options Trading. Di TradeOpus kami menyediakan hingga informasi menit di dunia Pilihan Biner termasuk ulasan broker yang komprehensif. Google
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